How Can I Store My Clients Website Logins and Passwords Updated FREE

How Can I Store My Clients Website Logins and Passwords

41 Replies

  • What do yous hateful keep them? I accept never known a user password. Have enough bug trying to retrieve mine. If i need to go into a user account directly i enquire user to login or i change password until I'm done what i needed to do. The reason I alter it is for security and to make sure we have tracking of who what and where terminal thing we need is for user to spiral something up and then try to blame united states of america because nosotros knew their password.

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  • What practise you mean continue them? I have never known a user password. Have enough issues trying to recall mine. If i need to go into a user business relationship directly i enquire user to login or i change password until I'm washed what i needed to practise. The reason I modify information technology is for security and to make sure we take tracking of who what and where last thing we need is for user to screw something up and and then try to blame the states because we knew their password.

    OP is probable an MSP; needs to be able to login to client network gear and servers with administrator privileges to practise work.  Certainly yous dont remember he should memorize hundreds of strings like to ~?5uaRsaK`VT6\u4 or WddpMcLHP9~@'2$?

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  • Secret Server is the way to become

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  • In an encrypted password rubber

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  • Apologies if it didn't seem clear, we don't keep user password at all i was wonder how people kept server passwords. for example you have 150 customer that you look later all around the country, you lot remote manage their servers where or how do you shop the passwords for the server

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  • What is Surreptitious Server

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  • Secret Server is a production from Thycotic that stores passwords in an encrypted format.  Information technology is browser-based, and there are a lot of great features.

    This allows passwords to be really complicated like "WddpMcLHP9~@'2$?" but y'all can copy them rather than having to type them out.  In some cases, there are ways to log into machines or websites straight, if you set information technology up that style.

    Keen product!  I'm sure Jordan (Thycotic) volition be happy to get you more than info, if you're interested.

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  • Utilize a good Password Vault for that.

    Either locally for storing on a server inside your visitor... or a Cloud based i.

    As MSP i'd prefer a paid Cloud based Terminal Pass Business concern.

    That way I have Command over my users and a Company to blame if something goes incorrect > Double security on that.

    As MSP i would non like to utilize complimentary Tools (Open Source... hm...), every bit I will always have the run a risk on my shoulders.

    Remember to set Administrative Usergroups and just give access based on agile projects.

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  • Information technology Glue is a nifty repository for passwords equally well as a 1 end for your IT documentation- peculiarly if your are a MSP.  They are AES-256 encrypted and SOC 2 Compliant and offer great permission granularity.

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  • Sal8273 wrote:

    Secret Server is a product from Thycotic that stores passwords in an encrypted format.  It is browser-based, and in that location are a lot of nifty features.

    This allows passwords to be actually complicated like "WddpMcLHP9~@'ii$?" just y'all tin can copy them rather than having to type them out.  In some cases, there are ways to log into machines or websites direct, if you prepare it upward that manner.

    Great product!  I'g sure Hashemite kingdom of jordan (Thycotic) will be happy to become you more than info, if yous're interested.

    Thank you for the Secret Server love,Sal8273!

    Hello,spicehead-q66  thanks for starting this convo! Sal covered the loftier-level details of our Privileged Admission Management solution, Hush-hush Server. We accept quite a few clients and MSPs leveraging Secret Server today to manage access to their client'southward passwords. Information technology'southward disquisitional to be able to securely vault and manage access to their credentials. Using Underground Server you lot can hands manage the credentials in an encrypted, centralized vault for easy access. Once stored, you tin provision and de-provision their passwords and ensure password complexity and rotation. This becomes particularly handy if someone on your squad leaves. You can immediately rotate the client credentials they had access to and immediately report to your client's their credentials have been updated. Through a series of security features, you tin can fix upward RBAC, workflow admission request and approvals for 3rd parties all within Cloak-and-dagger Server and then y'all take a complete inspect history of every password. These are just a few of the highlights, but y'all sentry a brusk demo video here or become started with a free trial and test it out in your environment.

    I'd love to learn a scrap more about your use case to see if Secret Server is what you are looking for. Please ship me a DM if you would like to proceed the convo.

    All-time of luck in finding a solution and I look forward to connecting with you in the customs! Best, Jordan

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  • Howdy There!

    Please have a look Devolutions Password Server. Information technology'south a fully On-Prem Password Management solution. It's too a dandy Privileged Access Management (PAM) solution!

    Information technology can likewise be used with the desktop based Remote connection & password management solution Remote Desktop Manager!

    There are many avant-garde features including Email notifications, Office 365 Integration, 2FA, Logs, Ad Integration, Geo & IP restrictions & more!

    Installation help is likewise offered!

    Hither'southward some documentation for more insight into the technical aspects;

    Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have whatsoever questions!


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  • +1 for IT-Glue

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  • spicehead-q66 wrote:

    Apologies if it didn't seem articulate, we don't keep user password at all i was wonder how people kept server passwords. for example you have 150 client that you look after all effectually the country, you remote manage their servers where or how exercise yous store the passwords for the server

    So accept you read on all the contempo or past massive information leaks....all the information owners blame information technology on their vendors as it is their vendors that either used easily accessable passwords, forgot to foreclose access or only left the data accessible to the Cyberspace.

    If you kinda put the passwords (peculiarly of servers and DCs).....root > God-mode > Domain admin > server admin > remote admin

    - Root or God-fashion admins (Enterprise admins) should be kept by Information technology direction

    - Domain admins by It managing director and Domain admins

    - Server admins by respective admins

    - remote admin should be disabled but enabled & new password given to vendors simply when required.

    I never desire to go on customer'southward passwords not have permanent admission to client systems.

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  • +1 for SecretServer

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  • Christopher.Hayes wrote:

    An excellent free solution!

    For Keepass with AD/LDAP integration, i might besides consider Pleasant Password:

    Take not worked with it notwithstanding, but Secret Server does wait really proficient. Admission-based enumeration and audits are a skillful matter!

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  • Something like LastPass Enterprise is ideal. Build a expert admission policy around it and utilize user groups to maintain a "need to know basis" to minimize possible exposure. MFA should be a requirement.

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  • Keepass or LastPass I have used in an MSP environment, previously we had used the feature within Labtech to shop credentials but was decided to get for a countersign manager

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  • I second the KeePass software.  I used to piece of work at a company that did financial work for the federal regime.  Information technology passed their audits so it is been adept enough for me.

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  • You should only consider a proper countersign director.  KeePass and LastPass are my become to and for an MSP I would think LastPass would exist the easiest to manage too as the most convenient for staff as long as you use corporate accounts and properly control permissions...

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  •  I've been using Keepass since 2012, skilful stuff. Would highly recommend.

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  • +1 for both KeePass and LastPass. I use KeePass at piece of work because it stores the files locally and they never touch on the internet (and it'due south gratis). I use LastPass Premium Families for my personal passwords because it stores everything in the cloud and I can access and update from any device quickly and hands. It as well helps me keep passwords for family unit members which routinely forget their own.

    As an MSP, my suggestion depends on whether those passwords need to be accessed from many unlike machines beyond multiple networks or not. LastPass Enterprise is groovy for multiple devices, teams, and cloud availability. KeePass is corking if yous only need the passwords on one network for a small-scale team of people or just yourself, and yous can accommodate the number of iterations for the central transformation.

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  • +1 on KeePass or LastPass. I have used both and accept had no bug.

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  • PasswordState is some other to wait at.  Runs locally, hooks into AD for your own staff, and provides granular permissions if you have multiple staff members who should only know some and non all.

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  • Keepass!!

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  • spicehead-q66 wrote:

    Apologies if it didn't seem clear, we don't continue user password at all i was wonder how people kept server passwords. for example you have 150 customer that you lot look later all effectually the country, you remote manage their servers where or how practice you store the passwords for the server

    Don't repent, you clearly stated "server passwords" in your OP.

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  • We utilize Pleasant Password Server and it has done us quite well.  Dainty bit is it has a built-in version of KeePass you can download on desktops.

    SecretServer looks pretty cool.

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  • I'll throw my vote in forSecret Server besides. If you absolutely must manage credentials like y'all're talking nigh ... and then you're going to desire something legit.

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  • +1 on LastPass. I've used it in multiple settings without whatever problems.

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  • adrian_ych wrote:

    spicehead-q66 wrote:

    Apologies if it didn't seem clear, we don't keep user password at all i was wonder how people kept server passwords. for instance you have 150 customer that you look after all around the state, you remote manage their servers where or how practise you shop the passwords for the server

    Then have you read on all the recent or past massive data leaks....all the data owners blame information technology on their vendors as it is their vendors that either used hands accessable passwords, forgot to prevent access or simply left the information accessible to the Internet.

    If you kinda put the passwords (particularly of servers and DCs).....root > God-mode > Domain admin > server admin > remote admin

    - Root or God-mode admins (Enterprise admins) should exist kept by It management

    - Domain admins by IT managing director and Domain admins

    - Server admins by corresponding admins

    - remote admin should be disabled just enabled & new password given to vendors only when required.

    I never want to keep customer's passwords non have permanent access to client systems.

    That'due south not how MSPs operate. An MSP'south customers typically require them to have on-need admission to the client's systems. The OP is being responsible, in trying to deeply store those credentials they need on a daily ground.

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  • Give thanks me later.

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  • Secret Server! I'm using it now at my chore and have no complaints.

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  • Maxime (Devolutions) wrote:

    Hi There!

    Please have a await Devolutions Password Server. It's a fully On-Prem Countersign Management solution. It's likewise a great Privileged Access Direction (PAM) solution!

    It can likewise be used with the desktop based Remote connectedness & countersign management solution Remote Desktop Manager!

    There are many advanced features including E-mail notifications, Office 365 Integration, 2FA, Logs, Advertizement Integration, Geo & IP restrictions & more!

    Installation assistance is also offered!

    Here's some documentation for more insight into the technical aspects;

    Delight don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!


    My concluding job used Devolutions for password management - it was pretty slick! Definitely recommended as a secure fashion to store/share passwords.

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  • You lot need some sort of encrypted software to manage them. At that place are a lot of offerings in this space.

    Nosotros use Countersign Manager XP but I think many others volition be sufficient for your needs.

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  • I would propose using a password safety software that allows storing of its vault somewhere multiple people tin admission and those people who need to have the password that accesses that vault.  Password safe is one of those software that allows that.

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  • Some other +ane for KeePass. I also have used PasswordSafe, only I prefer KeePass functionality. Equally an MSP you might want a beefier application with admission auditing and skilful separation built in, and the rolling password function seems really overnice for that kind of surroundings. One of the paid applications listed earlier should be a good fit for that.

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  • If you're looking for something budget friendly, nosotros offer a free Password Manager that stores your info in an encrypted format. May exist something to check out : )

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  • PCML wrote:

    Give thanks me later on.

    Pinkish?  LOL...  I'thou outa here...

    Oh yeah... DASHLANE Password Manager... https://world wide

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  • Jeff-J wrote:

    +i for It-Gum

    Yup, it'due south integrated with most of RMM.

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  • + 1 Roboform

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  • Go with something unproblematic.

    Secure. Piece of cake to apply. Free to use.

    Practiced luck.

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How Can I Store My Clients Website Logins and Passwords



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